
(currently very selective with taking on new RPs. Sorry!)fully suggest reading the full RP bio as it is practically the same as here but prettier and layed out better! with picture that aren't here!if you would like to RP, the best place to contact me is discord. make sure you tell me where your found me though![ upfront, i have memory issues! please don't be offended if i forget to message you or forget that we were talking! you're never bugging me if you're popping back up! i am just very easily distracted!
i am incredibly spaced out 98% of the time! incredibly spaced! ]
my RP style is multi-para? good grammar, good spelling etc. story driven with angst preferred. not great at romance, but if it builds naturally, then it's okay. for examples of writing, see starters. replies can be anywhere from 3-4 short paragraphs to 10+ long paragraphs depending on what's going on in the RP.there is other RP info in places like f-list or here. a lot more than here! this is just headcanons and starters and the such!(among other rules, don't RP with one-liners or people who use AI to write replies.)


(might change. might not be included. just random headcanons and ideas)◆ absolutely some form of autistic with nature being one of his special interests.◆ sagittarius.◆ canadian.◆ probably poly. later in life he'd be a family man but right now he's got too much love and joy to share to keep it limited to one person.◆ torn between fully vegan or an "organic produce only" kind of guy. there would surely be something with food, nature and the environment going on there. even if its just a deep hate for seafood or something. maybe he'd only eat meat he'd hunted as to not support the meat industry.◆ has a subtle limp becasue of the events in "the forest".◆ in 2020 / 2021 david would 100% use that yellow bandana as his mask.◆ david gets beat up so often in the show that surely he'd start to get used to it or even get off to it. y'know? "careless for kicks" trope.◆ because of being in nature, david is rather strong for his physical build. years of chopping wood, hiking, embracing the elements and what not. but he doesn't violence, believing you can solve problems with words. this is unless he's going through something stressful. in that case one of his coping mechanisms is driving somewhere the people don't know him and getting into bar fights that he sleeps off in the car. but only for the really stressful times that a weekend camping wont fix.◆ nose sticks up like that because he used to push it up as a kid. he was one of "those kids" who uses their palm as a tissue.◆ yawns a little like a dog, with the tongue shape.◆ Infertile. Something, something, chose a line of work with kids to make up for never being able to have his own.◆ can sing really high in that funny but still obviously male way. Evident by his "child voice" in flashback episodes.

Prompts and starters:

The garbage one written at 3am.

the spring breeze rustling through the evergreens was a welcome change from the summer heat, and the summer bugs. the season was turning and it could be felt in the air. not that anyone was around to feel it, anyone but david, that was.all the children, and even the other counselors had left camp campbell for the winter. better to be in a heated flat than a drafty cabin when the snows inevitably hit. but not david, he was 'holding down the fort' so to speak. this was his home, nowhere was waiting for him.speaking of, every home needs cleaning, and this was exactly what the tall fellow was doing. pushing the mess-hall door open with his behind to emerge into the sunlight, dawinging an apron and a pair of rubber gloves that were too large for his hands. holding a metal bucket in his arm.he took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air and surveyed his surroundings before his eyes landed on... a stranger? but no one should be here? what was someone doing at camp campbell during the off season, and so early in the morning at that?"hello! are you lost?"the lad called out with a smile on his face. casually catching the soapy bucket from underneath as it began to slip from his wet, rubbery grasp. bending down to place the metal container under an outside tap whilst still casting a smile over the stranger before him. of course he was curious about the off-seasonal newcomer but he was also on a task and those windows weren’t going to wash themselves.

Making a splash.

a quiet twilight at the lake, not much to separate this from any other day. still and silent, with barely any people around, it gave the local fauna and flora a chance to send their sounds through the air. the gentle rustle of the forest like music as the light slowly drained from the day. The moon and sun still had a few hours to share the same sky before it would be it always goes, good things can’t last forever. the silence being broken by a disturbance on the water. a loud splash a little way off shore caused nearby birds to take flight, dispersing from the tree tops into the sky. whatever was out there sure didn’t seem like it wanted to be, fighting against the waters to make its way over to the shore.a good five minutes passed as the struggling and splashing got closer but quieter. eventually ending with a figure dragging itself out of waves on all fours. but it wasn’t an animal, the panting and murmuring gave that away, not to mention the silhouette was unmistakably human. dragging himself up onto the stones, coughing and spluttering out a decent amount of lake water as he went.and as soon as he was a comfortable distance from the water, he collapsed onto his back. arms out to the side, waves still lapping at his feet. looking worse for wear. ripped and soaked clothes, one shoe missing with the sock threatening to go next, and a few stray lake plants in his hair. the guy looked exhausted but as he lay there, breathing getting slightly less heavy with every second that passed, he burst out laughing… just laughing and staring at the sky as he lay there.

Log cabin blizzard.

gahd! heck! it was cold! it was colder than cold and he was getting sick of it! sick of aimlessly wandering around in the flurry, unable to see further than a few inches in front of him. not to mention he was absolutely under dressed for these conditions, but it had come on so quick and strong that no one seemed to get any warning.he’d been out here too long and desperately needed to un-blue his extremities.and what dumb luck the lad had to walk face first into a door of all things. even dumber luck that it opened when he wrapped his numb fingers around the handle, blowing open to let in the guy and a decent amount of snow.but despite the lack of feeling in nearly all of him, he managed to put his back against the door and slam it shut once on the other side of it.with the door shut, finally he could relax. shutting his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief as the exhausted guy let his back slide down the door and land his butt on the floor. still somewhat chattering but even what little respite he was getting from the storm raging outside was a massive bad outside that the stranger hadn’t even taken a moment to see if anyone lived in the log cabin he’d just let himself into. surely, whoevers residence this was, they’d take pity on someone who looked about as threatening as a lost puppy right about now.

Camping TV show.

[“A new reality show has launched where you and a complete stranger have to live together in a small camper van for two months. Where will you go? What will you do? And most importantly… will you get along?”] - taken from a prompt money and all you have to do is live on the road for 2 months? sounds like easy cash, right? but you have to live with a complete stranger.well, the date came, y/c given had been given a meeting place and time. the time - stupid o’clock. and the place - a little campsite overlooking a lake. from here, they were free to travel wherever they liked but every good adventure starts somewhere, huh?Y/C would arrive to see, well, not a whole lot. a mostly vacant site, no camera crew, no grand welcome… just one little orange volkswagen camper and one guy loading camping-y things into the back of it. seems the people who set this thing up didn’t have the courtesy to pre-load the little camper up.some people would take an opportunity like this for the money, or time away from a bad place but by how this lad was dressed, he most probably took up this opportunity just to camp. hoisting what looked like a tent bag into the open back doors of the vehicle before leaning back and catching his breath.that was when he spotted y/c, out of the corner of his eye. raising a hand to give a very gentle wave in their direction. he already looked too happy for someone who was made to get up at this hour. but with the amount of stuff that had already been loaded into the van, he’d probably been here a while.

Sci-fi space things.

off duty calls were somewhat rare unless it was an emergency or someone died. even rarer that a higher ranking member of staff paid a visit to the living quarters of lesser crew but there they were, one of the chief scientists, letting themselves into the humanoid barracks. tall creature with skin that looked like polished chrome, and a face with no features, well suited to the position but this was beside the point. waltzing in like it owned the place. it spoke…🔬 “organic. you in here?”it bellowed in a voice neither male nor female. shutting the noise of the corridor out as the door closed behind it. into the little semi studio flat-esque quarters tailored to more oxygen based life forms.🔬 “chiefs sent me down with something for you.”their voice sounded tired yet amused at it’s own little joke. taking a moment to look down from its tall stature and scan around the room for y/c. but it was not alone.🔬 “you’ve got a new bunkmate… the recovery crew dragged back some ancient vessel's whole cargo hold, and they found this in a deep sleep unit in one of the crates”trailing behind but now forced by one of the creature's four arms to stand next to the chief scientist was what appeared on the surface to be a human, just a slightly taller than average human male. he looked shy, and a little bit worried, but he managed to hesitantly get out an eye-contactless smile before looking back at the floor. looking ever so slightly roughed up. his clothes were not from around here, and in his hands, someone had given him one of the crew's green jumpsuits.🔬 “it’s your problem now…”taller than most but not all, auburn hair and freckles. green shirt, shorts and hiking boots with the socks to match. he stood and didn’t say much as the large creature pushed him a little further into the room, stumbling a few steps forward as he clutched onto the yellow bandana around his neck with his free hand. not really sure where to look.the creature seemed in a hurry to leave but stuck around for a moment. probably going off hamster logic in case two of a similar species immediately started going for throats or something. it’s lack of a face made it hard to tell where it was looking, but it sure was looking…

Abandoned building.

“davey, you idiot… you’ve really messed up this time…”he whispered to himself as the tall fellow let his feet lead him into what was left of the crumbling building. knew these woods like the back of his hand, huh? no way he could get lost up here, huh? back before sundown, huh? yeah, that’s what was happening. absolutely not this idiot watching the last of the daylight drain from the sky whilst stumbling around in this long abandoned building.maybe it started as a rich man's mansion up in the mountains, but rumours about this place pin it to be everything from a summer get-away, to a hospital, to an orphanage, to an insane asylum. but tonight, it would be a refuge for one lost fool. not much more than a shell, with the forest flora slowly but surely creeping in through the now glassless window panes.dirt, rubble and debris crunching under david's feet as he made his way along the empty corridors. clutching his rather bare arms to his chest, squinting into the darkness to try and find something that looked safe to rest on.“it- it could be worse… at least i have a roof over my-
a noise? a rustle? something behind the lad made him stop to timidly look over his shoulder. still holding both arms tight to himself, cupping an elbow in either palm. eyes wide as those pupils tried their darndest to make anything out in the light of the few errant moonbeams that did a poor job at lighting this place up.

All tied up.

this was a sick joke that was going on a little too long for david's liking. someone, anyone would be along any moment to help him out, right? surely they wouldn’t leave him here overnight, especially with the wolves and bears up in these mountains. but whoever was coming to tell him this was all one big prank better hurry as that sun didn’t look like it had long left in the peacefully drift off whilst relaxing on the lake's dock one time and the next thing you know, you wake up to soft grass under you, a gentle breeze in your hair and a chain around your neck. whoever was behind this was going above and beyond to scare the heck out of him. thankful for the fact they’d kept his clothes intact, but the culprit had enough sense to empty his pockets beforehand.and just how had the poor lad ended up? well, one length of chain, two padlocks and a very sturdy evergreen used in conjunction with each other to keep him in place. one end of the chain around his neck and the other around the tree, both padlocked tight enough to not be slipping off him a small radius around the tree to walk around in and from the state of the ground, he’d done a good few laps around the tree in the time he’d been here. but now he sat, back against the trunk, face in his hands, elbows to knees style. surely, someone, anyone would be along soon…and the snap of a nearby twig gave him hope. someone or something was out there.

Bus crash / Stranded.

having to get on a bus was bad enough but having to get on a bus at four in the morning was even worse. the few people up at this ungodly hour shuffling onto the raggedy old tin can to go off to wherever demanded their presence this early. it was somewhat empty, only three or four people not including the driver. and they were off, with everyone on board the engine fired up and through the morning mist the bus cut.but that wouldn’t last very long. who knows why it happened, maybe the driver was tired or the road was slippery. maybe that morning mist was just too thick but in an instant the bus went from happily chugging along to careening down the side of a cliff quite violently. no one ever plans to be in a crash like that but here they were, gravity doing its absolute best to leave no one alive.and just as quickly as it had started, it was over. the now near shell of a vehicle coming to rest at the bottom of the cliff, a big hole in the trees it had crashed through. landing nicely in the middle of absolutely nowhere, the seemingly endless forest. the screaming was over and it was silent, that was until a voice wrang out. someone survived that?“ugh- what the-”said the tall fellow who was dragging himself out of the debris, trying to avoid broken glass. coming to rest a few feet from the wreckage, panting and trying to get his breath back. sure he looked scuffed up but nothing was clearly broken.“-hello… hello?”if he lived, there might have been someone else? all he could do was verbally check until he’d calmed down enough to stand up.


what a night to be up here. could he have chosen a better time to take a visit to the forbidden terrace? probably not. up here, above the streets of the city that never sleeps. above the penthouse. to rest amongst the shafts and vents that protruded from the top of the building. how serene it was, to look up at the various hues in the sky that hid the stars. if not for the light pollution, the sky would probably be alive with distant galaxies but the swirling clouds and hues were just as pretty. and with no stars to steal her spotlight the moon seemed to shine ever brighter down. beaming and bathing the top of every towering stature in her radiant light. the distant sound of the midnight hustle and bustle below drowned out by the vertical distance and the gentle the night turned to morning, the clock surely rolling round back into a single digit. he slid his legs off the side of the poorly guarded roof's edge. carefully and cautiously shifting his frame to let those long legs hang over the clueless streets below. too high up and dimly lit to garner any attention from even the most hawk eyed passerby. what a night it had been.“...why did you even come here, davey?”a question thrown away to the winds, followed by a sigh that was just as quickly snatched up and lost to the night. no answer expected as he placed the suit jacket that had been under his arm down on the ledge next to him. from the lads attire, it would be safe to assume he’d previously been at some formal event, not that another soul was around to rightly assume anything about the young man. the only light coming from the distant building and the one flickering bulb that sat above the door to the roof.defeated from events unclear, david lent forward, gazing down at the lights below as he slowly removed more of his attire. off came the tie that was discarded into the same pile as the suit jacket. to be followed by the undoing of a few buttons, revealing the causal green t-shirt he was wearing under such a fancy get up. making it two- three buttons down, the wind seemed to solidify his decision to keep the formal shirt on but in no proper state. once his hands were free of tasks, they fell to rest in between his knees. elbows on his thighs as he looked out onto the concrete jungle that surrounded him.with another sigh, he shifted again. attention going to the small fabric pile that sat next to him. a hand breaking away from its relaxed state to rummage around under the pile, not much disturbing the rest of his stance. eventually satisfied with what it landed on, he reeled back, pulling out a glass bottle that looked like it held something expensive. the seal around the top unbroken, the bottle joining his hands to hover between his knees, stories above the rest of the world.david grimaced slightly looking at the bottle. the unopened cap, the uneasy look in his face. this seemed like a big decision to make. would he?

Hitchhiking mishap.

the two of you had said nothing for what felt like hours, but time seemed to pass slow yet so fast on these barren desert roads. minutes melting into the waning horizon as the endless nothing passed by the car windows. not many people would pick up a hitchhiker from a place with a foreboding sign like [last shop for 1000 km] but here you two sat, in the front of this guy's old station wagon.until the silence was broken by a fshp-pap~ as the car rolled to a stop, the lights flickering for a final moment before giving out. startled slightly by the noise, he used the momentum to guide the car off to the curb. sitting for a moment in the darkness before patting the wheel confidently, gently saying “well, darn!” and getting out.

Shop work.

[justify]it wasn’t his first option, but it was the only work he could get during the off season. with his specific credentials, his options were limited, and he didn’t feel like burger flipping. so there he sat, at the counter reading some kind of outdoors magazine, surrounded by all kinds of lace lingerie and suggestive items that made him look really out of place.the shop had two floors, tame down here, upstairs was 18+ only. it would appear he was working in some kind of adult shop. but none of this seem to bother him, he slowly turned the page of his magazine, waiting for the day to tick over. his feet up on the counter. the boss was out, so he could get away with it for now.[/justify][/collapse]

Optional AUs info:

Disclaimer: Knowledge on these AUs is based almost solely on lone art pieces and their titles. Searching for the Wiki’s or more info often to dead ends, so descriptions are improvised. I do not claim ownership over the AUs but this information may differ from any solid fan-canon. Happy to twist and play around with any of these concepts.

Cannibal Camp AU

Playing off the “innocent business practice with a dark secret” trope. This AU is centered around the unassuming Camp Campbell. Which, on first glance, seems like nothing more than a successful summer camp for children. But behind the log cabins and mosquito nets, sinister actions are taking part in the shadows.Of course the children have nothing to do with it, displaying as a functioning summer camp is important to keeping the charade up. If children were to go missing, it would raise too much alarm. It’s the tourists, hikers and kids that don’t get picked up or ‘run away’ that aren’t so lucky. If you go venturing in the woods around the camp, you might just not come back.A somewhat untapped market, the demand for organs is high and the demand for flesh is surprisingly higher. The staff at Camp Campbell are all in on it. Some do it for money and some, like David, are in it for other reasons. The thrill, the hunt, the flavour, the rush.So best not end up lost and wandering around this secluded little camp, where your screams will be laughed off as “Probably those damn bears again…”

Cryptid Camp AU

Camp Campbell is just a summer camp for children? Right? Well then, try to enroll. Put in a job application or fill out a form to send your kids there, oh wait, you’re human, you can’t! All attempts to find a means in will be met with dead ends or rejections. This is because the little lakeside getaway is secretly inaccessible to humans. As friendly and welcoming as it looks, Camp Cambell is only for those in the know. They only accept those with a more “supernatural” side.A summer school for gifted children, hybrids, monsters, cryptids. That’s right, every person who works or vacations here is hiding an inhuman side. Tucked in the mountains where not a lot of humans go, where the young’uns can practice honing their powers away from prying human eyes. Where those who are mature but aren’t ready to be in a human society can work for their accommodation and protection as a part of the staff team.On that team is David. Co-counselor and werewolf who lives on grounds all year round. When he was just a pup, he got sent here but seeing as he never fully mastered his easily excitable wolf side, he thought it wise to stay on. Don’t need your tail or fangs coming out in public, and on particularly feral full moons, roaming the woods is a thousand times safer than trying to stay confined to a city flat.

Alternatively: On that team is David. Co-counselor and merman who lives on grounds all year round. Sent to the camp at a young age because his home was far from any large bodies of water, he quickly became at home in Lake Lilac. Much safer than living near humans and free from the stress of getting wet and revealing your scales at any given moment.

Apocalypse AU

This one is probably the loosest AU as it could be anything. Zombies, natural disasters, nukes, rapture, aliens. Whatever happened, it left the world in a post apocalyptic state and now the survivors have to fend for themselves. This one will need a little discussion before starting to figure out the what, why and where of it all.

Hero camp

(Superheroes/Villians)No fancy art for this one. There wasn’t a lot out there.
The general idea is similar to the Cryptid Camp AU, where the camp is set up to help kids with powers have a summer camp experience and learn to control their powers better. The hard decision is with David's powers, however. Could go for the obvious nature manipulation / earth elemental shtick, or could twist it with something a bit more unique. For example, he is a camp counselor because his powers aren’t very helpful to anyone
Ideas include:
- Being able to see what a mirror has seen. Touching it and playing back the last 48 hours like a DVR.
- Touching two people at the same time and letting them feel each other's emotions (hence, counselor). The empath shtick.
- Shapeshift but only into static plants for a few minutes at a time.
- Speak to animals.
That, or he is out here to keep his extremely dangerous power away from cities.Happy to mix the AUs up into some kind of supernatural creature murder camp, or creatures in the apocalypse ETC.Might add more soon!